DCCMF is to establish strategic partnerships with other campus outreach programs or overseas missionary groups in order to leverage our/their resources, contacts and expertise. This may include providing an evangelistic experience on the campuses by working in conjunction with visiting ministers, missionaries and students; or, by being involved with mission planting whether that be in the the United States or overseas.
Opportunity List:
91 Salem Church Road
Newark, DE, 19713United States
Organizational Statement of Faith:
There is one God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God, by the testimony of Scripture, is one divine Being in three eternal, co-essential, yet distinct Persons?Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The One God may be known only in the Three and the Three may be known only as the one true God. He is Creator of heaven and earth, Sustainer of the universe, and Author of human salvation. Though transcendent, God freely and in divine love, grace and goodness involves himself with humanity directly and personally in Jesus Christ, that humanity, by the Spirit, might share in his eternal life as his children.